Public relations is a profession that greatly depends on strategical planning and patient approach while handling certain activities, and it should always be well though through as it will increase the chances of implementing a successful campaign.
There are several models that can be followed and modified in order to prepare a campaign strategically, and also to make sure that there is even a back up plan if something goes different then expected. I am going to introduce three different models:
1) RACE model - older but simple to use in practice
2) POSTAR model - expanded and more inclusive of various segments
3) PESO model - latest one with more media focus.
This model was introduced by John Marston back in 1979 and it contains four simple steps that lead to a well planned PR campaign. Sticking to less is more is acceptable when the environment contains less stimulation and influences, meaning that the model was developed in a simpler surrounding, far away from digital as we have it today, so might not be as useful as it was in the past.
An article published by Andy Schmitz in 2012 under Creative Commons ( discusses the RACE model starting with the R - conducting a formative research is the most important beginning that will help understand the current situation of the organization along side helping the PR experts formulate strategies. Furthermore, the A explains how to develop and actual strategic plan that will lead to defining realistic goals, measurable objectives, targeted audience and adequate tactics.
The C part focuses on communications that will be used based on the research - creating a message that connects the targeted audiences with the organization and set goals, also having in mind the appropriate channels to reach them. Lastly, the E stands for evaluation after the campaign has been implemented and is a crucial part of every activity in order to determine what went right and what should be fixed.
This model goes into detail when planning a campaign which is rather smart - making sure to cover all fields required to carry out a successful PR operation.
So, according to Study PR (, this plan has to address social, legal, political, environmental and technological issues as well as realistic objectives, creative ways to perform the tactical activities but also predetermine the budget, amount of manpower and time needed. At the end - it is crucial to understand the results through outputs (media measurement), outtakes (public opinion) and outcomes (actual changes in opinions and behaviour).
Lastly, this model developed by Gini Dietrich focuses on integrated influencing through media in PR and marketing . Spin Sucks ( suggests that this model can enhance brand awareness and the organization's business in general.
Paid media - can be social media advertising, sponsored content and e-mail marketing.
Earned media - publicity/media relations, also known as having the name in the press.
Shared media - in short it's just social media so it covers all social platforms from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter to Pinterest and LinkedIn.
Owned media - content creation through a website, blog or vlog that is edited internally.